True statement……

There are days when I wonder if I’m a Christian. I seemed to have missed the bandwagon of righteous indignation. People are huffing and puffing about abortions and bathrooms and I’m kinda like “meh”. Being a Christian is more than walking around condemning people with your righteous self. God’s Word is everlasting whether you believe it or not, but may I submit an example for your consideration? If I don’t know Spanish and you keep talking to me about a libro, with no examples or parallels that I understand, our conversation isn’t going to last long. We both are going to be very frustrated and all types of bad feelings are gonna sprout up. If you don’t believe in abortion or birth control or homosexuality or any of the other issues that are red hot, don’t deal with them. But we are speaking a language that is not being received nor understood. Why? Because we have no relationship with the people we’re trying to force this on.
And while I’m venting, I would like to point out that the hot issues are women oppressive; kinda reminds me of the church. It is just in recent years that I’ve noticed a surge in women pastors and ministries. I grew up with women being almost second class citizens. Not the best world view for a girl. But it started in the church and it appears we are rolling back the years.
I don’t know where we’re headed, politically or religiously, but we’ve got to stop these one sided attacks. Remember the woman caught in adultery? (John 8:1-11)
The Pharisees were quite happy to stone her for the act, but how much you wanna bet she wasn’t alone? They brought her before Jesus and expected him to start huffing with them. Jesus didn’t huff nor puff, He simply began to remind them of the rocks in their sandbox. I don’t know about you, but my sandbox has some clearly transparent rocks and it has some rocks that I’m going to need God to allow me some time to explain.
A bit of compassion and consideration would go a long way these days