
   Most people recognize the acronym MIA to stand for Missing In Action; it’s a military term. I don’t know if the platoon realizes the person is missing while they’re fighting or if it’s during a mini break to recoup and restrategize, but at some point, someone vital is not where they were anticipated to be. A lot of Christians will acknowledge that spiritual warfare is real and quote a lot of scriptures, half complete, about how to handle the fight. I’ve heard the scripture about Jesus coming to give us life more abundantly because the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy; hallelujah. That wasn’t sarcasm in case you were wondering. I receive that promise of God, I claim that promise of God and then I inspect my life for that promise of God. What’s missing Jesus?
If, like me, you’ve been in active combat in an area or two of your life you may not have taken the time to recoup and take stock of what’s missing. You’re just so glad you came out of that storm, situation, relationship alive that you forgot the other two verbs in the scripture; I know I did. So, I’m no longer fiercely fighting my health at every turn and I’m no longer in hand to hand combat for my mental health anymore and I’m kind of feeling like bionic woman physically because pain, ha, what pain. I’m unstoppable because I serve an unstoppable God, but I failed to notice what was stolen and what was destroyed. I missed those items that were just as vital to my well-being as the thing I was actively fighting for. Need an example, here we go: watching the divorce rate in the Christian population sample stole my belief in true and lasting love and destroyed my trust in men. Yes, all men because if a “church” man can’t keep it together, then what hope do I have at finding a decent one outside of the church. (This is my thinking, don’t get offended.) Overcoming major, mind blowing illness hiccups has increased my faith, but my confidence that God will continue to deliver me was stolen and my confidence in His plans for my life was destroyed. See how this works?
Is there anything you’ve noticed missing from your life? Maybe joy is gone and it’s a bit harder to celebrate yourself and others. Perhaps peace was destroyed when someone or something entered in and now restlessness plagues you. Whatever your personal inventory has indicated is missing, God has a surplus to give to you; just ask in His name.