Time and seasons….

Song:Seasons Change by Bishop Paul S. Morton

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
It’s supposedly Fall and with that comes Pumpkins!…I personally don’t care for pumpkins, but that’s neither here nor there. There are pumpkins everywhere; in pies, breads, drinks,etc. I noticed it only shows up around October though. I haven’t seen and no one is looking for pumpkins in April or June….Now for my point.
I have a habit of try to keep things and people beyond their expiration date. When it goes bad, as it should, I find myself wanting to do a prayer sound check with God….Something like, “Testing 1,2, testing..can you hear me God? Testing “.
Saw an ex-boyfriend of mine the other day and went home to worship. I kept him Way beyond his usefulness. And just like dying produce or meat, the relationship began to fester and stink and produce illnesses in my spirit, heart and mind. When it was completely over I had to detox my body, refresh my spirit and reprogram my mind because I had been poisoned.
Perhaps like me you have issues sharing and letting go. This applies to people, things, places and schnacks. As I go through my daily devotions and prayer time I’ve found that all my issues come back to my square one; trust.
I’m so glad God is long suffering, because each situation I get into requires me to answer the same question every time…do you trust me?
Honestly, sometimes I get it right and I do an imaginary handstand (I’ve never been able to do one for real) and sometimes I get it stubbornly wrong, as I stomp my feet, pout my lips and declare that I’m right and what’s being asked of me is too much. Yes, yes I am fully aware of
1 Corinthians 10:13, but this is about how I feel not what I know.
I’ve realized Time is so important to God that it’s one of His top gifts to us, right alongside Salvation, Grace and Mercy. But I learned this Sunday that my impatience with His timing is all tied up in my faith and of course, my trust in Him…(just can’t seem to get away from that).
I stay in prayer for His patience with me, His help with my unbelief and His strength with my issues. I feel like I’m being given bites that are to big to swallow, but He always reminds me that I know how to chew and digest everything I’ve been given before and that I have yet to choke.

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