Burden of proof…..


Song: I Am God by Donald Lawrence and Tri City Singers

Have you ever wondered why the burden of proof of the existence of God falls on the believer? I’ll admit I used to get flustered when asked, but no longer.
I don’t have to prove anything because it’s all in your perspective about what you see. What are you looking for?
Whenever I get a new car I immediately start seeing it everywhere. The question becomes; were they always there and I didn’t notice or did my car send out some kind of Nissan bat signal? The answer…both. As I snuggle deeper into the appreciation of my car I began to look for characteristics that are significant to Nissan. Then I began to notice other types of cars in the brand family. The existence of God works about the same way. When you have not yet accepted Christ all you are able to do is see the pain and destruction caused by what seems like His absence. It’s almost like having a cataract removed: the view becomes clearer and you notice that He was never absent, you just didn’t notice Him. Where you once saw hatred you now see that flicker of love that refuses to be extinguished. Where there was once sickness and pain you see His sustaining power allowing that person to hold on despite everything. The presence of hurt and bitterness becomes times of reflection and healing allowing you to move on away from that dark place in time. Insecurities and fear are fertile grounds to find inner strength and peace, making you feel like you can conquer the world once you get past this situation.
I don’t have to prove God exists because He proves Himself time and time again. I dare you to give me situation that troubles you and I will show you God’s presence in the midst.
Isaiah 55:6 Seek Him while He may be found.

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