What’s in your bag…..

2018 is all about changing my perspective. Every day and every situation my prayer and choice is to see beyond the obvious. I’m not super spiritual, so I’m not talking about the invisible; but I don’t want to be on the visual bandwagon either.
As a rather passive person I never realized how much work went into Romans 12:2, “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,…”.
The first part isn’t all that difficult for me; I’ve never actually fit in, so no biggie. But that mind renewal is more exercise than biking up a steep hill!
It makes you think, become more aware and actively choose to participate in the process…did I mention I tend to be stationed in passivity?
As chubby as I am physically, my mind is like a boxer in continuous training: ducking and weaving, lunging and squatting, I just got tired thinking about it 😂. But really, I’m always thinking or planning my “next”. If you are like me then you understand how frustrating being in the “now” is.
I’ll admit my “next” always seems to be especially rife with dark and dire scenarios and even in that I have to renew and transform my mind, because those thoughts don’t reflect who I believe God to be.
A few years ago my stepmom gave me a crucial key to my journey with Christ. She said, “go to God and take everything moment by moment”. I still use this method today.
When the feelings of being an utter and complete failure wash against my mind, I tug on my backpack of faith and go moment to moment, reminding myself that God Still has a plan for me (Jeremiah 29:11).
When feelings of overwhelming anxiety threatens to drag me under the “what if’s and how comes”, I go moment to moment in prayer and supplication with God until I am anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6).
I’ve picked up so many nuggets of wisdom and rocks of reassurance that everyday it becomes easier to resist the urge to float away in mental turmoil.
Do you have an emergency bag? What’s in it? What you put in is most definitely what you get out.
Thank You God

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